What is California-Preventing Sexual Harassment Online?
California - Preventing Sexual Harassment (CA-PSH) is an online workshop that meets and exceeds the training requirements designated by the recent California law mandating preventing harassment training for California businesses with 5 or more employees. These employees must be trained by by the end of this year and each 2 years thereafter. The CA-PSH is a turnkey solution that is private labeled to the Chamber.
How Can the Chamber Benefit?
NHCG Inc. is offering their workshop as a private label course for the Chamber at a reduced rate of $25.00 per person. For each registration, the Chamber will receive $5.00 as a revenue sharing incentive. In addition to the added revenue, the Chamber is providing a value added service to their membership with an extremely cost effective solution that is easy to use and with limited involvement from the Chamber itself.
What do you need to do to sponsor the NHCG CA-PSH Workshop?
Select this Link and complete the information
Call Alan at 203 926 1526