The Land Rover Off-Road Team Building Experience
Adults tend to learn best by doing and the Leadership Experience @ Land Rover allows participants to learn a new set of skills and work together in teams to reach stated goals. The “Experience” is an exciting one and a half day learning event that utilizes a personalized assessment from Everything DiSC, classroom work to interpret and action plan on that assessment, and expert instruction on how to leverage the skills necessary to have high performing teams. This unique experience, in partnership with Land Rover’s professional driving instruction, makes constant parallels to driving off-road and applying the knowledge gained from the assessment to this exhilarating team building activity. Classroom instruction is used to present and discuss the team building skills. The off-road instruction and competitive team activities allows the participants to experience team building in real time and see how their team leadership skills affect the team's performance.
Who should attend?
Everyone from first-line supervisors to corporate board members has praised the effectiveness of these seminars. The most powerful learning occurs when a leader brings her/his team—often including clients and suppliers as well as direct reports.
What are the topic areas?
- Everything DiSC Team Assessment & Interpretation
- Identifying Strengths & Weaknesses
- Personal Action Planning
- On Road Focus Areas & Feedback
- Effective Team Communication
- Building & motivating teams
- Effective communication
- Team & leadership behaviors
- Stress, confusion, & team management
What are the outcomes?
By putting participants in an unfamiliar and challenging environment, learning a new set of skills, and asking them to achieve a team objective, the outcomes are:
- Understand personal strengths & weaknesses related to team building
- Understand how those strengths & weaknesses affect team development
- Receive feedback on personal focus areas during the team competitions
- Demonstrate how to work as a team to achieve goals & objectives
- Gain insight into how to be a better team leader & team member
- Have a great deal of fun!
The Land Rover Off-Road Team Building Experience is offered in 4 locations:
- Qual Lodge: Carmel, California
- Equinox Resort: Manchester, Vermont
- Biltmore Estate: Asville, North Carolina
- Le Chateau Montebello: Quebec, Canada